Make a Donation

Leahurst Charitable Foundation supports educational excellence by providing financial assistance to deserving and eligible students registered at Leahurst College High School. The organization also advances educational goals of Leahurst College High School by supporting activities, equipment, and pedagogical aids that promote learning, social engagement, and personal development of its students.

Leahurst Charitable Foundation was granted the status of a registered Charitable Organization under the Canadian Income Tax Act on Dec. 16 2014. Our listing can be found online at the Canada Revenue Agency website. Further information regarding charitable status may be obtained through Canada Revenue Agency: 1-800-267-2384. Leahurst Foundation Charitable registration number is: 82418 7783.

Donations of $15 or more to Leahurst Charitable Foundation are eligible as tax deductible charitable contributions in Canada. Please note that the organization cannot issue tax deductible donation receipts for non-arm’s length donations, as defined in the Income Tax Act of Canada (S1-F5-C1). Without being exhaustive, a non-arm’s length donation includes financial support from one individual to a related individual (e.g., parents, grandparents, or siblings are not arm's length, aunts and uncles are). 


Donations to Leahurst Charitable Foundation may be made in two ways:

  1. With a credit card (which uses PayPal as the card processing agent);
  2. With a cheque made payable to Leahurst Charitable Foundation (select ‘make your payment offline’ when submitting the form below).  

Leahurst Charitable Foundation respects a donor’s intention to support one or more aspects of educational excellence at Leahurst College High School. Targeted donations may be specified by completing the information below.

Recent online donations

  • $2500.00 — Anonymous — 29 May, 2024
  • $100.00 — Anonymous — 18 May, 2024
  • $500.00 — Jennifer Gilmour — 9 May, 2024
  • $5.00 — Flamone Eadie — 7 May, 2024
  • $2500.00 — Tanya McIntyre — 6 Dec, 2023

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Donor Information

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